Medotemic develops mobile systems for motionanalysis
We develop advanced systems for analysis of walking and running. The movement pattern is analyzed in detail by processing sensor data from the mobile phone.
Our products
The products that help you train purposefully
The products are tailored for you who want to follow up and improve your movement pattern in everyday life. The results are displayed directly on the mobile and the web. Analyze your own development or let a coach, physiotherapist, nurse or doctor follow you at a distance. Create a group or connect with friends.

The Mystep info app analyzes the walking and running steps. Asymmetry and other detailed motion parameters are calculated and reported in a simplified way, in detail lists and in graphs.
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The Myrunning app analyzes the running step and assesses your running form. Digital guidance helps you improve the individual running values. The Myrunning system takes your running technique to a new level.
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The Mysensorlog app collects sensor data in raw data format. This product is for you who want to analyze sensor data in detail. The result is sent to specified receiver as a compressed file.
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Mysensorlog at GooglePlay
Get started and analyse your movement pattern.
Read more at the webpage !
Lars Nilsson and Andreas Jakobsson founded Medotemic AB in 2016. The idea was originally
to measure asymmetry using the sensor data of the mobile phone. In the further work
it emerged that a variety of motion parameters could be calculated via sophisticated algorithms.

Lars (MSc/MBA) has a background in electronics and
the telecom industry. He has vast esperience in
product development in different industries.

Andreas is a Professor in mathematical statistics at
Lund University. For more than two decades he has worked
with algorithm development for a variety of applications.
Analyse your running style and
get tips on improvements!
The Myrunning app is in development phase